AACD Newsflash!

Amiga Active CDs have some new features

Find software updates quickly

The new Updates drawer collects together updated software from the varioous drawers on the CD. Use this to quickly see what new versions of previously featured programs have been released. The icons in here are links, not copies of the original drawers, so you will need to be running Directory Opus Workbench, Scalos or OS 3.5+ (or any combination of these).

Faster searching of Amiga Active and other CDs

This isn't new, but it is worth remining people about. You can dramatically speed up the operation of SearchCDs by installing the index files onto your hard drive. Searching is several times faster when used this way. All you need to do is set the paths for the index files in AACDprefs. This will automatically copy the relevant files. They will be kept updated each time you use a new AACD, or you can update them manually from AACDprefs.

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